Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture
60 mins
Service Description

TCM Pulse Reading
Both Western medicine and Chinese medicine use pulse in regards of body conditions. For instance, Chinese medicine use pulse to assess health of all major organ in body systems and as for Western medicine use pulse in condition of heart health.
Chinese pulse diagnosis provides insights on body internal inflammation, stagnation, excesses, deficiencies, and even indicating the location of these conditions.
In Chinese medicine, acupunture is and has been a part of natural healing of a body through improving or reestablishing the flow of qi throughout the body by inserting small needles into the skin along the meridians. When the energy flow is balanced, the body will feel relief and experience healing in the targeted areas.
During treatment, ones can expect to have acupuncture needles placed anywhere on the body – most commonly on the arms, legs, head, back, and abdomen for a period of 5 to 30 minutes. Needles may also be stimulated by rotating or manipulating the needle during treatment to further improve qi and blood flow.
Our acupunture treatments includes;
- Pain management;
- Low back/Sciatic/Sacrum pain
- Mid and upper back pain
- Neck pain
- Shoulder, elbow, forearm, and wrist pain
- Hip, knee, and joint pain
- Headaches or migraines
- Sports or other types of injuries
- Menstrual and hormonal health
- Menstrual cycle pain or irregularity
- Sleep and insomnia
- Energy, stamina, low energy, and fatigue
- Digestive conditions
- Stress and mental health
- Anxiety, depression, and emotional health
- Allergies, asthma, and other breathing problems